Principal's Corner

Greetings Tiger Family,  


I hope you had a great summer, and are well rested. As you all know, we have a long road ahead of us, especially through this global pandemic. As the new normalcy has already forced us to do things a little differently, we will continue to move Thomas E. Edwards, Sr. High School to level of success desired by all.

I am certain that your minds are racing all over the place, with questions of concerns and uncertainty, but I along with Supt. Davis, the SCCSD school board, Tiger Staff and your supporters recognize that we are faced with a set of unique and unusual circumstances., and have been working tirelessly and diligently to ensure all impacted parties are safe, whenever they enter our building, and we look forward to working with all stakeholders in the community to help ensure Thomas E. Edwards, Sr. High School models a spirit of excellence. 

Again, we recognize the challenges that we face, as we seek to become a premiere high school. But with your help, I believe we can rise to the occasion, and prove to ourselves and everyone watching that the sky is not the limit, just our first stop! “Together We Will!” 


Best Regards, 

Mr. Errick M. Lakes, Principal


Errick Lakes, Principal

Eric  Lakes